Monday, January 10, 2011

Assignment 2 FINAL

The Mind Map

For this assignment, each group was required to create an artwork that involves movement/motion in it but before coming up with the final artwork, we had to go through several steps.

First of all, we had to come up with a Logical Mind map of Creative Multimedia. In the process of doing this, we got to learn more of what Creative Multimedia is about.

Here is the mind map that we had made:

Then we have to simplify the previous mind map and here it is.

We have to write an essay on “Creative Multimedia Will Make You Wealthy” – the topic that we had chosen.
This is the link to our essay: Group 8's CS essay.
We had also come up with a concept which is:

Jobs in Creative Multimedia are really one of the best work opportunities there is in this industry you can make a lot of money out of it.”

Then, we were given a random word, which was ‘Television’ and we had to use the random word technique to extract more random words from ‘Television’.

These are the 50 sketches from the 50 random words.Each of us have to come out with 10 sketches.

These are the final 5 sketches that we need to draw and combine all the 50 sketches.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Random word / image association .It's ONE OF THE IDEA GENERATION.

A random s

timulus is any of a class of creativity techniques that explore randomization. Most of their names start with word "random"; random word, random heuristic, random picture, random sound, etc. In each random creativity technique the user is presented with a random stimulus and explores associations that has a potential to bring novel ideas. The power of random stimulus i

s that it can lead you to explore some useful associations that could never be explored intentionally.

Random Word technique is the simplest technique of this class where a randomly picked word is used to generate new associations. By getting a random word and thinking how you can use it to solve your problem you are practically guaranteed to attack the problem from a different dire

ction from that you would normally.

* some of the word i got from wikipedia

My next exercise is I need to create something scary using a cat so i the key word i had choose was

My first idea is i'll clone an ugly cat about 15 clone and put at the dangerous zone which no ones allowed to be there..

My second idea is i will put the cat which i had already clone it and make bigger then the normal size of a cat and put it infront of the gate so if they still wanna go in THEY HAVE TO PREPARE TO GET HURT!!!!

The third one is i will put the eye ball around the area that no want suppose to go in